Where rivers meet in Arcos de Valdevez. We visited Arcos de Valdevez. A nice drink in a river pavilion, a short walk for a first impression and onward again. Arcos de Valdevez left a good impression, so my Patrona instructed some weeks later to drive there again. We follow the rule of thumb of always going inside on the outward journey, and possi... Read this blog
Viana do Castello. The Lima River is an important river in Portugal's history and many stories circulate about it. Of course, there is the beautiful historic municipality of Ponte de Lima. This town got the river name, but the water flows further. The Lima flows to the Atlantic Ocean. Only very shallow vessels can be used to navigate the Lima, s... Read this blog
Miradouro do Monte do Picoto Braga is the country's third largest city. It has a rich history. In it, many historical figures have claimed their place. History has left traces. The Ice Age brought huge boulders and made room for rivers in the mountains that surround the city. Undiminished, living water passes through the city. Not in the form of m... Read this blog
Terras de Bouro, municipality of Rio Calda When the weather challenges us radiantly we jump in the car to get to know the immediate surroundings of Barreiros better. There is so much to see here! Our bed and breakfast guests reserve at least one, but more often several days for the Peneda-Gères National Park. This is Portugal's oldest national par... Read this blog
Swimming? I don't know any Dutch or Belgian who went to live in Portugal without first spending a holiday there. That was different in the 1950s, when there was a big wave of emigration to Canada, Australia and New Zealand. No, nowadays we visit a country first to get our bearings, which is a sensible thing to do. The internet helps with that, but... Read this blog